School-Based Health Services
Grace Health Student Health Center offers quality healthcare for your child’s physical and mental health needs in a friendly setting at a time that is convenient for the student and family.
School-Based Health Centers (SBHC)
Grace Health SBHCs are staffed with a nurse practitioner, social worker and support staff. The Health Center’s nurse practitioner can be your child’s regular provider OR can support your child’s regular provider/pediatrician. Services include routine well-child exams with immunizations, school and sports physicals, preventative care, urgent care and behavioral/mental health services.
School Wellness Program
Grace Health School Wellness Programs are staffed with a nurse and social worker. Services provided include limited clinical nursing services, mental health services, and health education.
Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health helps you manage your personal challenges, big or small, and guides you to healthy, productive solutions. Behavioral Health services include assessment, guidance and treatment when you are experiencing stress and other problems affecting the quality of your emotional and mental health.
Receiving Care
Your student may come to the Student Health Center anytime during regular hours or an appointment can be made by calling the Health Center direct.
Insurance / Payment
Grace Health accepts Medicaid and most insurance plans. If you have insurance, we will directly bill your insurance company. You will be responsible for co-pays and unmet deductible amounts. Grace Health has a sliding fee scale that is based on income and family size. For discount and billing inquiries, call 269-441-3456.
Completion of Required Student Health Center Forms
A consent form, health history, and medication administration form need to be filled out and signed by the parent/guardian for students to be seen within any Grace Health Student Health Center. After completing the Student Health Center Forms, e-mail the forms to: