If you are new to BCPS and do not have children currently enrolled, you will be prompted to create a Skyward Family Access account to enroll online.
(If your child is already a student at BCPS, you do not need to complete this step.)
Documents needed for enrollment:
- Original (legal) birth certificate
- Immunization (shot) records
- If foster care placement, need copy of this placement notice
- Address verification with one of the following documents: current utility statement (electric, gas or water), rental or lease agreement with address, or property tax statement
- Photos or scans of enrollment paperwork such as proof of address can be submitted via email at this time. For enrollment support please email: sbrunner@battlecreekpublicschools.org or call and leave a message at (269) 965-9481.
Find Your School of Residence
Click on the link below to look up your school of residence in the BCPS Street Guide.
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) must provide proof of residence to the school in the form of a current utility bill (gas, electric, or water bill), purchase or lease agreement, or current Property Tax statement. Any questions may be directed to the Office of Student Services
BCPS Street Guide