Battle Creek Public Schools has a rich athletics history, stellar facilities and a dedicated coaching staff, with a wide array of opportunities for students to become involved in sports.

BCPS Summer Programs
Registration is now open for the 2024 Bearcat Blast and Kindergarten Success Program summer learning experiences. Seats are limited, so sign up today.

Bearcats are a proud breed! Join our strong network of proud Battle Creek Central High School alumni in supporting student-alumni activities, scholarships, awards, community-building and more.

BCCHS Hall of Fame
We honor current or retired members of our community for their outstanding achievements and contributions.

BCPS Education Foundation
The Battle Creek Public Schools Education Foundation offers scholarship opportunities for BCPS students and staff.

Bearcats Beyond The Bell
The BCPS 21st Century Program is at no cost to families for before-school programming Monday–Friday for K-5 students , and after-school for K–12 Monday-Thursday to form positive relationships, practice academic skills and engage in new experiences.

Communities In Schools
Communities In Schools surrounds students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.

Kindergarten enrollment for the 2021–22 school year is now open. Your child must be turning 5 years old before September 1, 2021 to be eligible for kindergarten.

Kindergarten Success Program (KSP)
The Kindergarten Success Program (KSP) is a free, full-day kindergarten preparation summer program that helps build necessary foundational skills to students up for future success in school.

Literacy at BCPS
Reading and writing build the foundation for a lifetime of learning and career success. From pre-K through senior year, literacy is a key focus at BCPS.

Outdoor Education Center
The Outdoor Education Center is a beautiful 175-acre camp located on Clear Lake. Students get hands-on learning, access to nature and a chance to shine outside of the classroom.

Operation Fit
Battle Creek Public Schools is proud to participate in Operation Fit, a school-based wellness program working to change the culture of local schools.

Preschool (GSRP) Programming
We are proud to offer free high-quality preschool (GSRP) from certified teachers. Your child must be 4 years old on or before September 1 to enroll.

Parent University
Parent University equips parents and caregivers with knowledge and skills to raise confident, educated, and emotionally intelligent children, while empowering you to be the most effective advocate for your child.

REACH Advanced and Accelerated Program
Offering specialized advanced and accelerated educational programs for gifted elementary learners. This unique experience is the only one of its kind in Calhoun County!

Scholarships, Donations & Funding
Learn about available scholarship opportunities through the Battle Creek Community Foundation and other local funders and partners.

Special Education
Special education is offered in every school in the district. Our approach ensures structures and environments that can lead to success for students of all abilities and learning styles.

True Success Character Education
At BCPS, all students K-grade 8 receive special instruction designed to reinforce positive behavior skills and strength of character
100% Success for every Bearcat