BC STEM Innovation Center
News Articles

BC STEM Family Announcements: Welcome Back!
Aug 1, 2024Check out some important updates about the start of school - including our new start and end times.

Thank You, Bearcat Staff, From Your Community!
May 10, 2024Check out the nearly 200 responses submitted from our families and community, celebrating our Bearcat Educators!

Michigan Colleges Alliance Partnership Adds to Bearcat Advantage
Mar 20, 2024New Partnership Offers Scholarship Funding to 15 Top Private Colleges and Universities in Michigan

Free Laundry Day: Sunday, February 11
Jan 30, 2024February 11, when BCPS will be teaming up with our partners from Communities in Schools to offer a free laundry day for BCPS families.

BC STEM Info Sessions For Interested Families
Jan 3, 2024Join us Wednesday, January 17, or Thursday, January 18, to meet with the principal, tour the school, hear from some current students, and find out if BC STEM is the right choice for your student.

Learn More About Career, College, and Finacial Aid Opportunities Through MDE's Pathfinder Tool
Sep 25, 2023Learn more about Michigan's updated Pathways tool and how it can help students explore career and college opportunities, financial aid, and more.

Spring Testing Window Starts April 10
Apr 4, 2023The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) Spring 2023 testing windows and dates for all summative online and paper/pencil assessments are included in this document. Click to learn more.

'Imagine Me' Inspires Students to Pursue Healthcare Careers
Mar 20, 2023Several executives and other healthcare professionals from Bronson Healthcare visited Battle Creek Central High School last week for 'Imagine Me,' a program to inspire our Bearcats to continue pursuing their dream careers in healthcare fields.

BC STEM's 3rd Annual Student Showcase
May 27, 2022This week, current and prospective Battle Creek STEM Innovation Center families had the opportunity to visit BC STEM for the school's third annual Student Showcase event.