May 27, 2022 |
Eighth-graders at Springfield Middle School recently completed a project-based learning opportunity that saw each student come up with a plan of action to help improve something in our community. Over the course of several weeks, students in Mrs. McCrumb's Science of Success class have been researching issues from around the world, identifying those that may be having a negative impact on the Battle Creek community, and coming up with plans to help solve those problems.
As key components of the project, students created business or event plans, as well as strategies to raise the money that would be required to enact their plans. They also wrote speeches and created accompanying visuals to use for their presentations to sixth- and seventh-graders, staff members, parents, and district administrators.
Mrs. McCrumb shared that Science is a new class this year that focuses on ensuring students are ready for high school, excited about serving in the community, and even prepared for first-time work experiences. "This class is not just about finding success for ourselves, but learning how to work toward building success for our community and our world," she said.
Throughout the year, students have had the opportunity to make dog treats and toys for a local dog shelter, created blankets for a women's shelter, and have created foster care packs and hygiene packs to donate to several organizations. Moving forward, Mrs. McCrumb said the course will be a required elective for all Springfield Middle School eighth-grade students.
Over the past several years, the staff at Springfield have been working to build out an integrated service-learning approach to education that teaches generosity and community engagement through project-based learning opportunities.
The school has seen significant student buy-in and growth in courses where teachers have provided instruction through the service-learning approach, putting student learning in the context of community needs and resources. Students at Springfield learn about the people and organizations that help Battle Creek thrive, gain an understanding of available career paths in the community, and build an awareness of the people and resources that are available to help address our community's needs. They also identify as valuable resources to their community who will take action today and in the future for the well-being of the community, whether it is in the classroom, Battle Creek, or the world.
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Springfield Middle School
1023 Avenue A | phone: 269-965-9640 | fax: 269-962-2486