Jun 10, 2020 |

Dear BCPS Families,
Thank you for being a part of the BCPS community! We are so grateful to our community for supporting one another, and for staying strong over the course of this year.
We know that the decision of where to send your child to school is an important one and we are honored to have the opportunity to help your child succeed. We are looking forward to a strong start in the fall, with more opportunities than ever at BCPS!
To help us plan ahead, we ask that you let us know of your plans for next school year by July 1 by completing and returning the postcard that was mailed home this week, or by responding online using the form below.
If you didn’t receive a letter home listing your current’s assigned school, you can look up your child’s assigned school based on your address here.
There are so many great things happening at BCPS — from new schools, to new programs, to new opportunities for students at every level. BCPS is a place where students can learn safely, be creative, find their passions and prepare for their futures.
We are so proud to share all that BCPS has to offer. We can’t wait to welcome your family back in the fall! We #BelieveInBattleCreek and we #BelieveInTheChange!
Thank you for responding by July 1 with the form below to help us plan ahead for staffing and classroom distribution this fall.
Learn more about what BCPS has to offer here.
Learn more about how we’re thinking ahead about what classrooms and schools may look like in the fall here.