Apr 23, 2020 |

Dear BCPS Families,
Thank you all for your strength and leadership in these tough times, and for staying home and staying safe. In the midst of a crisis, Battle Creek heroes have stood up to help one another and to support the community. I know many of you have questions about what the rest of the school year will look like for your student. We hear you, and we are here to support you.
Please keep an eye out for a letter with detailed information on what the remainder of the school year will look like for your student, which was mailed home this week.
PDF versions of the letters are available here:
- Elementary school families (also available in Burmese and Spanish)
- Middle school families (also available in Burmese and Spanish)
- BCCHS families (also available in Burmese and Spanish)
Our plan is designed to make sure that students have assignments to work on and learn from and that the relationships between students and their teachers and other staff mentors stay strong. Students and families will receive phone calls from teachers or support staff one to two times per week to assign work, review progress, hear how things are going and check in on families’ wellbeing. For details and grade-level specific plans, please visit battlecreekpublicschools.org/learningathome.
With the understanding that school breakfasts and lunches are very important sources of nutrition for many of our families, we will continue offering meal pick-ups through the end of May. For a full list of location and pickup times, please check here.
We are here to answer all of your questions to the best of our ability. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us:
- For technology support, please contact helpdesk@battle-creek.k12.mi.us.
- For support accessing devices, meal pickups or for other family needs, please contact (269) 245-6129.
- For Spanish language support, please call (269) 419-1978. For Burmese language support, please call (269) 601-6029.
Stay well,
Kimberly Carter
BCPS Superintendent
Traducciones a Español y Birmano se publicarán tan pronto como estén disponibles.