May 31, 2024 |
Unfortunately, due to some unforeseen building circumstances, the program will no longer be able to be held at Fremont International Academy this summer. Instead, Bearcat Blast will now be held at Valley View Elementary, where it has been held for the past two years. We are thankful that operations at Fremont next school year will not be impacted.
Our district leadership is already hard at work preparing for the move, but we know you may have questions, particularly regarding transportation. Our partners from Dean Transportation are working to adjust bus routes and should have updated stop information out to families by Wednesday, June 5. If you haven’t heard from Dean Transportation by that time, or if you would like to call and check whether your student is included on the busing roster, you can call them at 269-965-9435.
Additionally, we’d like to invite you to join us Thursday, June 6, from 4 - 5 PM at Valley View Elementary for a Bearcat Blast elementary program open house event! During the open house, students and families will have the opportunity to meet their summer teachers, find their classrooms, meet with 21st Century staff, learn more about transportation, and more.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact the BCPS Teaching & Learning Services office:
Phone: 269-965-9478
Thank you for you flexibility and understanding. We’re looking forward to another great summer starting Monday, June 10!