Jan 23, 2023 |

An Opportunity To Get Involved
The Battle Creek Public School Education Foundation (BCPSEF) is seeking resumes from adult individuals interested in serving on the BCPSEF Board of Trustees.
Student, BCPS Board of Education, and staff representation are already in place. However, if you are committed to the district as a parent, alumni, former BCPS educator/staff, or other affiliation, you are encouraged to submit your resume or bio and cover letter to the BCPSEF email address bcpsef@gmail.com no later than Friday, April 22 at 5:00 p.m. Individuals with a demonstrated commitment to the district, primarily its students, and a desire to dedicate time, talent, and treasures on a consistent basis to the BCPSEF mission, we look forward to your submission.
Applications should include a cover letter that outlines why you seek a BCPSEF board appointment and what talents, skills, and networks you would bring to the Board. Applications received by the deadline will be reviewed by the BCPSEF Executive/Nominating Committee. New board members will be notified after our regular board meeting on May 12, 2022. All other resumes will be kept on file for two years for consideration as board openings become available.
The mission of the Battle Creek Public Schools Education Foundation is to generate and distribute resources to or for the benefit of students, staff, and teachers of the Battle Creek Public Schools district. The BCPSEF has nearly 50 funds, mostly endowed scholarships, with nearly 3.3 million in assets. The Battle Creek Public Schools Education Foundation is an affiliate fund of the Battle Creek Community Foundation. The Board currently meets bi-monthly on the second Thursday of the month from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., virtually.
Additionally, our working board, along with partners, hosts the annual Bearcat Back to School Tailgate, which has generated over $60,000 in proceeds and has gotten 14 scholarships to awarding level since it began in 2017.
For more information, please contact BCPSEF First Vice President Lynn Ward Gray at 269-962-2181 or by emailing us at bcpsef@gmail.com.
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BCPS Education Foundation
The Battle Creek Public Schools Education Foundation offers scholarship opportunities for BCPS students and staff.