Dec 8, 2022 |

Welcome, Mr. Randall Levi, BCCHS Freshman Academy Principal
We are thrilled to welcome Mr. Randall Levi, the new Freshman Academy Principal for Battle Creek Central High School. The vacancy was left after Mr. Gilland moved from Freshman Academy Principal to the school’s Executive Principal at the start of the school year. Mr. Levi grew up in West Michigan, graduating from Ottowa Hills High School in Grand Rapids. After one year at Jackson State, he then finished his undergraduate degree in education from WMU. After obtaining his Master’s Degree in K-12 Leadership from WMU as well, he is now in the process of obtaining a doctorate degree from Michigan State, where he first met Mr. Gilland.
Mr. Levi has most recently served as a 5th-grade teacher in Grand Rapids Public Schools, where he picked up tremendous experience serving in an urban school setting. He shared that after meeting Mr. Gilland, “I was drawn to his fondness for the Freshman Academy and the children he served.” He added, “while some of the issues students are dealing with are a little more complex at the high school level, they are still children at the end of the day, and they deserve the same love and care that my fifth graders received.”
Mr. Levi is thrilled to join an experienced Freshman Academy staff and wanted to send a special shoutout to that team for providing an extremely warm welcome and for their commitment to being present for the scholars they serve.