Nov 28, 2022 |
Friday, December 2, 7 PM / Saturday, December 3, @ 2 PM
The Battle Creek Central High School Theater Department is excited to bring "Merry Murders at Monmarie" to audiences this Friday, December 2, at 7 PM and Saturday, December 3, at 2 PM. Written by Tim Kelly, the play features Charlie, a young American, who arrives at Montmarie, Switzerland, to inherit a girls' school from his aunt. Soon after arriving, however, Charlie begins to suspect something sinister may be haunting the halls of the school. Featuring a full cast of characters who seem normal enough at first but may not be quite as innocent as they seem. Mystery, comedy, and romance all add up to make for an entertaining evening of theatre.
Please join director Rebecca Goodearl and her dubious cast this Friday or Saturday in the McQuiston Learning Center, located at the corner of McCamly and Van Buren.
General admission tickets are $5 at the door, or $3 for children 10 and under, seniors, and students with an ID.