Oct 31, 2024 |
Meet your BCPS Principals!
BCPS has had an eventful Principal Appreciation Month this October! We loved celebrating all our principals and cannot thank our building leaders enough for everything they do to support our students, teachers and staff. We know their job is no easy feat and we appreciate their selfless service and commitment to help our students thrive in their educational journeys while supporting the needs of our teachers and staff. Their leadership is an important part of the success of all our schools and we are grateful for every single one of them!
Don’t forget to thank a principal and an assistant principal for all the hard work they do to take care of our schools! Learn about each principal below and click on their name to send a thank you email and share your gratitude!
Jennifer Flowers-Bentley: Principal of Ann J. Kellogg Elementary
What is your favorite part about being a principal?
Spending time with kids. I love being at the front door in the morning greeting the students as they come in. Checking on ones that were absent the day before, setting the tone for a struggling student, checking in on how their game was over the weekend…. The best part of the day everyday.
What is your favorite comfort food?
Macaroni and Cheese, of course!
What would your students be surprised to learn about you?
I am a great table Karaoke singer. I have fun singing at my table. I know about one line out of every song. Can’t tell you who sings it, but have a ton of fun doing it.

Tashaune Sparks: Principal of Sixth Grade Academy
If you could have any superpower to help you in your role, what would it be and why? Instant literacy mastery to transform their academic trajectory, boost their confidence, and foster
a love for learning.
What is your favorite comfort food?
Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream Chips
What is a favorite school memory you have from when you were in school?
Elementary school- Mrs. Johnson reading the Little House on the Prairie Series to our class at Roosevelt Elementary School
Cassandra Quearry: Principal of Dudley Elementary
If you could travel anywhere in the world with your students, where would you go?
Disney World
What is your favorite part about being a principal?
My favorite part of being a principal is saying good morning to the students outside each morning.
What is your favorite comfort food?

Shawn Caldwell: Principal of Fremont International Academy
What is your favorite part about being a principal?
Kid energy! Working with teachers & staff to ensure students gain a love of learning, knowing they are capable of reaching their full potential, & they feel loved & safe at school.
What would your students be surprised to learn about you?
I enjoy boating, swimming, waterskiing, & tubing with family & friends . . . Even “cold plunges” in the lake!
What is your go-to karaoke song?
Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey

Angie Morris: Principal of LaMora Park Elementary
What is your favorite part about being a principal?
My favorite part of being a Principal is the children. I love watching them learn and grow. It’s so exciting to see their faces light up when they learn something new.
What would your students be surprised to learn about you?
I used to raise chickens. I loved to get up in the morning and collect the eggs. I enjoyed eating the eggs for breakfast, lunch, and sometimes dinner!
If you could have any superpower to help you in your role, what would it be and why?
If I could have any superpower, it would be the gift of time. I don’t ever have enough time to get things done or enough time to spend with my granddaughter.

Kavonna Matthews: Principal of Post-Franklin Elementary
What is your favorite part about being a principal?
Definitely the students!
What is your favorite comfort food?
I have a few comfort foods, but I will never turn away a great dish of macaroni and cheese.
What would your students be surprised to learn about you?
My students would probably be surprised to learn that while in high school I was in a summer Aviation Program that allowed me to co-pilot a four passenger airplane. This experience created my interest in Aviation, and I chose to start my post-secondary education in the Aviation Program. I decided to transfer into the Education Program as a sophomore in College.

Courtney Shorter: Principal of Valley View Elementary
If you could have any superpower to help you in your role, what would it be and why?
If I could have any superpower as a Principal it would be to fly. I could get places fast in the building.
If you could travel anywhere in the world with your students, where would you go?
We would all go the Mackinac Island because the place is historic and magical
What would your students be surprised to learn about you?
I probably do not know that I am a tap dancer and pretty good at it.

Rhonda Washington: Principal of Verona Elementary
If you could travel anywhere in the world with your students, where would you go?
This depends on the student and what they dream of…some I would take to the top of a mountain to see the spectacular views, some I would stand beside the ocean with and take in the sound of the waves. Others I would take to Disney World or Epcot, even Cedar Point so they can experience the joy and thrill of it. A few I would take to the world’s best interactive zoo or farm. I even have a few that would love to experience a true haunted house. But I would proably start with a tour of the State of Michigan, the Great Lakes, the Mackinaw Bridge, and the sand dunes.
What is your favorite part about being a principal?
Building relationships with students. The joy they bring to school every day brings hope and belief and true happiness.
What was your favorite book as a student?
I loved all books when I was younger. My favorites included The Boxcar Children series, Dr. Seuss books, Judy Blume books, The Ramona Quimby series, Pippi Longstocking, and “The Monster at the End of this Book.”

Christian Manley: Principal of BC STEM Innovation Center
If you could invite any historical figure to speak at your school, who would it be?
Ruby Bridges- She faced major adversity as a child. I would like her to speak to students about her experiences. Her current foundation prompts the value of tolerance, respect and appreciation of all differences. I would love her to speak to our students about what that means.
What is your favorite comfort food?
Pop and hot chips
What was your favorite book as a student?
Diary of Ann Frank is an absolute favorite of mine. I read it in middle school and it has had a lasting impact on me, I have read it multiple times. It prompted my desire to learn more about the Holocaust

Meridith Shabani: Principal of Springfield Middle School
What is your favorite part about being a principal?
Watching students grow in their knowledge, character, and social skills.
What would your students be surprised to learn about you?
I was a Bearcat, too. Attended Level Park Elementary school from preschool to 3rd grade. I learned the fight song in Kindergarten. Go Bearcats!!!
What book are you reading right now?
The Inheritance Games

Randall Levi : Assistant Principal of Springfield Middle School
If you could have any superpower to help you in your role, what would it be and why?
Magic sunglasses so that students can get a glimpse of what they have the potential to become.
What is your favorite part about being a principal?
Being able to be a difference maker and build relationships to multiple students
If you could invite any historical figure to speak at your school, who would it be?
President Obama

Tyler Gilland: Executive Principal of Battle Creek Central High School
If you could have any superpower to help you in your role, what would it be and why?
My superpowers would be a hope dealing and master noticing. I believe that it is our responsibility and privilege to help every Bearcat see the hope and power of their potential, but sometimes that takes weeks, semesters, or even years. I wish I could give them the power of hope with one affirming nod! I also believe the best ability of any educator is to be a master noticer. Noticing when a person is having an off day, noticing what works to unlock a person’s true potential, noticing what strategies are most effective in supporting the learning of everyone, and noticing the true potential in everyone all work together to make any educator truly exceptional.
What is your favorite part about being a principal?
My favorite part about being a principal is watching students grow and achieve throughout four years. Ultimately, watching our Bearcats walk across the graduation stage in front of their families and our community is the absolute best part of being a principal or an educator.
What is a favorite school memory you have from when you were in school?
My favorite high school memory was being on the student council where our graduating class got to plan so many of our memorable experiences. We planned school dances, lock-ins, proms, senior send offs, spirit weeks, etc. I got to work with some other students that I otherwise would have never built relationships with and it showed me that I can have an impact in my school community.

Jihad Ford: Principal of Freshman Academy
If you could invite any historical figure to speak at your school, who would it be?
Malcolm X
What is your favorite part about being a principal?
I am getting the opportunity to be a part of multiple processes and connecting with many layers of personnel within the school setting. Just having a greater impact on student success is whats important.
What book are you reading right now?
Ta-Nehisi Coates “We Were Eight Years in Power”
Blake Nordman: Principal of BEIT Academy
What would your students be surprised to learn about you?
My hobbies. Fishing and Doggie Dad.
If you could invite any historical figure to speak at your school, who would it be?
Barack Obama
What is your favorite part about being a principal?
Working with students one on one to help develop plans for them to graduate.

Toni McClenney: Principal of HHS Academy
What is your favorite comfort food?
This is a loaded question, as I consider myself a foodie and it really depends on my mood. Since it is fall, my favorite comfort food is Thanksgiving Dinner! LOL! Turkey, dressing, macaroni and cheese, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, potato salad, collard greens, dinner rolls and if I did the cooking, either a red velvet cake, sweet potato cheesecake, or a favorite of my grandmother's, a blackout cake! I am in total heaven during this time of the year!
What TV show are you watching right now?
I very seldom watch TV these days, but I have been watching ‘Grownish’ and Abbott Elementary. I love comedy, as laughter is good for the soul, so these shows make me laugh, as well as remind me of work, because I am able to relate to the episodes.
What would your students be surprised to learn about you?
That I am not mean. I had two students tell me that they thought I was mean, but that I am, in fact, pretty cool. I am cool, but I am stern, as I only want what is best for our students. I don’t want to see them hurt. I don’t want to see them suffer or struggle. I want them to know that I will provide them with structure, but I will also celebrate their successes with them, and be there every step of the way!

Calvin Williams: W.K Kellogg Preparatory High School
If you could invite any historical figure to speak at your school, who would it be?
Thurgood Marshall
What is your favorite comfort food?
Fried chicken wings
What is a favorite school memory you have from when you were in school?
SHS Express in High School (dance group)

Tamara Jamierson: Principal of Battle Creek Area Mathematics and Science Center
If you could travel anywhere in the world with your students, where would you go?
I would go to West Africa- Ghana.
What is a favorite school memory you have from when you were in school?
I loved participating in sports like cheerleading, track and basketball. I made long-lasting friendships.
What would your students be surprised to learn about you?
I love to write poetry.