Jan 20, 2023 |
This week, every Battle Creek Central High School (BCCHS) ninth grader had the opportunity to participate in the school's annual Career Exploration Fair. While the event began back in 2019 with the first class of BCCHS Career Academies freshmen, this year's event was held in person for the first time since 2020.
Dozens of local organizations attended the event to help shed some light on the many career pathways and opportunities that exist for them in the Battle Creek community after they graduate. Each organization in attendance was aligned with one of the school's eight Career Pathway options which every ninth grader will choose from at the conclusion of this school year to focus on for the remainder of their BCCHS Career Academies experience. Within the Academy of Health and Human Services, students can select from Health Care, Nursing, Education, and Public Safety. Within the Academy of Business, Engineering, and Industrial Technology, students can select from Business, Finance, Information Technology, and Engineering and Skilled Trades.
Ninth-grade math teacher Mario Brown has been involved with the Career Exploration Fair since it began, whether in person or virtually. He said the community involvement is what makes the event truly special. "Seeing this level of community support for our students and their futures really speaks to what we are all about as Bearcats here at Battle Creek Central," he said. "We support each other, we're here to build our community, and our community supports us as well."
At BCCHS, the Freshman Academy offers a special, smaller learning environment to help students make a smooth transition into high school, bond with each other as a community, and begin their journey of career exploration. Each ninth-grade student receives instruction through a core team of teachers who share students to provide support for student achievement. The Career Exploration Fair is one of many experiences students receive during their freshman year, including career panels, workplace visits, college visits, and special guest speakers, that help explore and understand the career options available to them.
In addition to meeting with local business owners, leaders, and entrepreneurs to learn about each field, the Career Exploration Fair also included engaging hands-on learning opportunities for students to try out.
"Whether it's laying bricks or balancing a checkbook, our scholars were able to get a small taste of the career experiences they have access to today," said BCCHS Executive Principal Tyler Gilland. "Each of these students has a bright future ahead of them," he added. "And it's exciting to get this opportunity to walk alongside them and guide them along their unique pathways to career, college, and community success."
*Photos: Nikki Elder, Special Projects Coordinator, Grand Valley State University Battle Creek Regional Outreach Center
Thank you to our community partner participants
Engineering & Skilled Trades Pathway Pathway
CTI Mechanical Contractors
Kellogg Community College - RMTC
Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Union
City of Battle Creek - Transit
Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters
Duncan Aviation
TC Transcontinental
Home Builders Association of Western Michigan
Finance Pathway
Battle Creek Public Schools - Finance
Kellogg Company - Finance
Consumers Credit Union
Northern Initiatives
Business Pathway
South Michigan Food Bank
Kool Family Community Center
Battle Creek Area Association of Realtors
City of Battle Creek Recreation
Michigan Works! Southwest
Battle Creek Battle Jacks Baseball
Calhoun County Visitors Bureau
Goodwill CMH
Battle Creek Area Chamber of Commerce
SGK Marketing
Information Technology Pathway
Goodwill CMH - IT Department
Battle Creek Public Schools IT Department
Michigan Air National Guard - Information Technology
Public Safety Pathway
US Air Force
Battle Creek Fire Department
Battle Creek Police Department
Health Care Pathway
Kellogg Biological Station - Michigan State University
Disability Network
Bronson Health Care Group
Summit Pointe
GVSU - College of Health Professions
Lifecare Ambulance
Nursing Pathway
Kellogg Community College
VA Medical Center
Grace Health
GVSU Nursing
Homecare Transitions
Education Pathway
GVSU School of Education
Community Action
Calhoun Area Career Center
Battle Creek College Access Network
Kingman Museum
Learn More

BCCHS Career Academies
From smaller learning environments to college visits and internships, Career Academies provides students with experiential learning opportunities tailored to different interest areas.

Battle Creek Central High School Career Academies
100 West Van Buren Street | phone: 269-213-3500 | fax: 269-660-5864